2022 Annual Convening


Celebrating 10 Years of Connecting to Improve Child Welfare Policies 

  • SPARC partners had opportunities to connect and network with each other and other key stakeholders to build and deepen peer-to-peer relationships. 

  • SPARC partners heard from leading experts on hot topics that shape the policy landscape .

  • SPARC partners shared information and strategies for achieving policy wins that benefit children, youth and families involved in child welfare.

  • The event was for SPARC partner organizations and invited guests. There was no media coverage.


All Tuesday and Wednesday sessions were held at the Annie E. Casey Office. The 10th Anniversary Celebration was held on Tuesday evening at the Annie E. Casey Headquarters.

Annie E. Casey Foundation Office
503 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD

Annie E. Casey Foundation Headquarters
701 Paul Street
Baltimore, MD

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM ET

  • Elissa Hyne – Partnership for America’s Children

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM ET
Opening Plenary / Understanding the Child Welfare Landscape: A Conversation with Leaders in the Field

Presenters shared their insights about the challenges and opportunities in the child welfare landscape, and also shared examples of notable policy or programmatic developments over the past year.

  • John Kelly – Fostering Media Connections, The Imprint, moderator 

  • Mike Shaver – Children’s Home & Aid

  • Melissa T. Merrick – Prevent Child Abuse America - Download Additional Resources (PPT)

  • Binley Taylor – FosterClub

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM ET

Free time to connect with each other, take phone calls, check email, stretch and move around, and enjoy light refreshments.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET
Panel Presentation with Facilitated Discussion / Building and Supporting a Workforce to Advance Equitable Outcomes and Meet the Needs of Children and Families Involved in Child Welfare

Presenters shared research about child welfare workforce trends, as well as strategies to build and sustain an effective child welfare workforce, including advocacy and legislative examples.

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM ET

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM ET
Panel Presentation with Facilitated Discussion / Federal Policy Issues & Priorities

Presenters shared information about proposed, pending, or enacted federal policies and shared insights about the policy landscape ahead.

  • Aubrey Edwards – First Focus, moderator

  • Kristen Torres - Office of Rep. Chu (D-CA) 

  • Tanisha Lewis – Office of Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE)

  • Brian Widuch -  Office of Management and Budget, the White House

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM ET

Free time to connect with each other, take phone calls, check email, stretch and move around, and enjoy light refreshments.

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET
Network discussions led by SPARC Prevention and REI Workgroups / Strategic Focus Areas of the SPARC Network  

PART 1:  Prevention

Recap of the SPARC Prevention workgroup’s efforts and focus, with examples shared of primary prevention. Participants engaged in an interactive discussion about what an ideal approach to primary prevention would look like.

PART 2:  Race, Equity, and Inclusion

Recap of the SPARC Race, Equity and Inclusion workgroup’s efforts and focus, including the planned development of a strategic decision-making tool on neglect. Participants engaged in an interactive discussion of defining and responding to neglect at different decision points in a child welfare case (reserved for SPARC partners and non-SPARC workgroup members only).

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM ET

Free time to connect with each other, take phone calls, check email, stretch and move around, and enjoy light refreshments.

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ET
10th Anniversary Celebration – The Power of Networking: 10 Years of SPARC Advocates Connecting for Change

Reception at Annie E. Casey Foundation Headquarters included beer and wine, passed appetizers, buffet style appetizers, and passed desserts. Remarks from Todd Lloyd, Annie E. Casey Foundation.

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM ET
Panel Presentation with Facilitated Discussion / The Role of Messaging in Child Welfare Advocacy

Listen to/View the Panel Presentation (YouTube)

The moderator shared remarks about prior SPARC communications activities and highlighted several key elements of communications strategy, followed by an interactive panel discussion about messaging and communicating to advance child welfare policy reforms.

  • Ed Walz – Springboard Partners, moderator - Download Ed’s Presentation (PPT)

  • Nora Collins-Mandeville – American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois

  • Jessica Haspel – Children Now

  • Robin Rosenberg – Florida’s Children

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM ET

Free time to connect with each other, take phone calls, check email, stretch and move around, and enjoy light refreshments.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET
Elevating the needs of individuals involved in child welfare in the national movement to improve mental health for families, youth, and children

Presenters shared their expertise about child and youth mental health issues, including an overview of the policy landscape by leading children’s advocates and related remarks by individuals with lived experiences in foster care.

  • Angel Petite – FosterClub, Moderator

  • Keri Richmond – American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Elisabeth Wright Burak – Georgetown University Center for Children and Families 

  • James Robson – Massachusetts, prior panelist at Youth Mental Health Summit with HHS

  • Aliyah Zeien – Louisiana, National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council Member

  • Starr Miller Jackson – California, FosterClub leader and California Youth Connection Member

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM ET

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM ET
SPARC member facilitated discussion / The Future of SPARC – Looking Forward to the Next 10 Years

This session provided a venue for interactive discussion among SPARC partners about the direction of SPARC. It was facilitated by two SPARC partners (reserved for SPARC partners only).

  • Shannon Moody – Kentucky Youth Advocates

  • Crystal Charles – Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy

  • Elissa Hyne – Partnership for America’s Children

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Wrap Up