2023 Annual Convening
DECEMBER 4-5, 2023
Prioritizing Prevention, Preserving Families, and Enhancing Family and Child Well-being
The State Policy Advocacy and Reform Center and the Partnership for Americaβs Children enjoyed reconnecting with fellow SPARC members as we came together in 2023 to strategize for upcoming state advocacy efforts, connect with leading experts in child welfare, and share insights from the past year.
The Sunday evening reception was held at the Hotel Indigo. All Monday and Tuesday sessions were held in the Opportunity Room on the second floor of the Annie E. Casey Foundation Office.
Annie E. Casey Foundation Office
503 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD
Hotel Indigo
24 West Franklin Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 625-6200
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM ET
Informal Reception for All Convening Attendees
Relax after a day of travel to enjoy light refreshments, drinks, and great company with SPARC members and Partnership staff in the Edgar Allen Poe Room on the top floor of the Hotel Indigo. Later, if you are still hungry, you can grab some dinner at the hotel or go out on the town to enjoy a meal at one of Baltimoreβs many restaurants.
Nora Collins-Mandeville β ACLU of Illinois (SPARC Leadership Council)
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM ET
Name Tag Pickup and Breakfast
All attendees are required to sign in at the front desk when entering the Annie E. Casey Foundationβs building. The front desk staff will have your name and you can pick up your name tag from Partnership staff on the second floor. Want to connect to wi-fi when you arrive? The network is βAECF β Guestβ and the password is jimcasey.
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM ET
Elissa Hyne β Partnership for Americaβs Children
Marquita Little NuMan β Partnership for Americaβs Children
Todd Lloyd β Annie E. Casey Foundation
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM ET
Investing in Families / A Holistic Approach to Prevention
This discussion will focus on prevention strategies for meeting the needs of children and families before they become involved with the child welfare system. We will focus on family resource centers, and how these flexible and family-focused hubs of support and resources provide programs and targeted services to meet familiesβ needs and prevent child welfare involvement. We will then turn our focus to the role of economic and concrete supports, highlighting the mounting evidence that macro-economic and public benefit policies designed to support families by meeting their basic needs, reducing material hardship, and buffering against income shocks, can prevent both child abuse and neglect.
Sarah Jankowski β New Jersey Department of Children and Families
Gretchen Cusick β Chapin Hall
Susan Elsen β Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
Danielle Mitchell β Acenda Integrated Health
Christina Armstrong β Greenway Family Success Center
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM ET
11:15 AM - 12:45 PM ET
Partnering with Lived Experience / Policy & Practice Change
In this session, members will be provided tools and considerations to utilize in making a plan for Lived Experience Leader (LEx) engagement in their policy and practice agendas. SPARC members will receive direct insight from FosterClub, Lived Experience Leaders, Floridaβs Children First and Florida Youth SHINE on how to best engage LEx in creating, achieving and implementing their state level policy and practice agendas.
Angel Petite β FosterClub
Binley Taylor β FosterClub
Bianca Bennett-Scott β National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council and FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Tina Harris β National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council and FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Melvin Roy β FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Geori Berman β Floridaβs Children First
Rebekka Behr β Florida Youth SHINE
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM ET
Rethinking Mandated Reporting / Prioritizing Family Resources and Community Support
This session will explore alternative approaches to mandated reporting, shifting the narrative from a reactive model to one focused on empowerment, equity, and community through mandated supporting. In this engaging discussion, we'll dissect the impact of mandated reporting and subsequent CPS investigations and the documented immediate and lasting harm inflicted on both children and families. Finally, we will consider an alternative approach that provides families with resources and community support through equitable, harm reductionist, and anti-racist practices, while divesting from systems of surveillance and punishment.
View/download the Decision Tree that goes with the new NY Mandated Reporter training
View/download The Child and Family Wellbeing Fund One-Pager
Crystal Charles β Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy
Jasmine Wali β policy, advocacy, and research consultant focusing on child welfare, gender-based violence, and economic justice
Leanne Heaton β Chapin Hall
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM ET
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM ET
REI Workgroup Session
This interactive session will focus on the Model Neglect Statute Project of the Race, Equity, and Inclusion Workgroup. Through small group discussion and digital engagement, participants will have an opportunity to review and shape the draft model policy. Beyond identifying the strengths and deficits of the draft policy, we will discuss the feasibility of adopting a model policy in specific jurisdictions and probe what conditions need to be created to make a model policy both politically feasible and impactful for children and families.
Molly Dunn β Childrenβs Action Alliance
Kelsey Bala β Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM ET
Day One Wrap Up
Rachael Miller β Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (SPARC Leadership Council)
4:40 PM - 6:00 PM ET
6:00 PM - 6:15 PM ET
Gather for Transport to Dinner
Meet in the Indigo Hotel Lobby at 6:00 pm where we will gather and take transportation to La Tavola.
6:30 PM ET
Dinner at La Tavola Ristorante Italiano / 248 Albemarle Street, Baltimore, MD 21202
This is a time to connect, celebrate, laugh, and have fun together! Shuttles back to the hotel will run 8:00 β 9:00 PM.
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM ET
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM ET
Day Two Opening
Lesley Kelley β Voices for Georgiaβs Children (SPARC Leadership Council)
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ET
Child Welfare Policy Reform / A Critical Examination of State Child Abuse Registries
Participants will engage in an informative and interactive discussion regarding the Child Abuse Registries Reform Project. The discussion will walk through identifying the problem and solutions, state examples, and plans for the reform effort moving forward.
View the blog post How to Remedy Harm Caused by State Child Abuse Registries
Cathleen Palm β The Center for Childrenβs Justice
Amy Rose β Voices for Vermontβs Children
Shannon Moody β Kentucky Youth Advocates
Molly Dunn β Childrenβs Action Alliance (AZ)
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM - 11:15 PM ET
A Home for Every Child / Finding and Maintaining Placements for All Children and Youth (Part 1)
The child welfare system faces persistent challenges placing older youth, sibling groups, children with unique needs, and LGBTQ+ identifying youth into stable homes. During this conversation, we will explore innovative strategies for not only finding but also maintaining placements for every child and youth, including finding and supporting kin caregivers.
View/download the Youth Resource Workgroup flyer
Amanda McKinney β Children Now
Alex Volpe β Catalyst Center
Tina Harris β National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council and FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Bianca Bennett-Scott β National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council and FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Brooke Derrick β Wayfinder Family Services
Donna Ibbotson β Wayfinder Family Services
Carol Ramirez β Wayfinder Family Services
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM ET
Break and Grab Lunch
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
A Home for Every Child / Finding and Maintaining Placements for All Children and Youth (Part 2)
The child welfare system faces persistent challenges placing older youth, sibling groups, children with unique needs, and LGBTQ+ identifying youth into stable homes. During this conversation, we will explore innovative strategies for not only finding but also maintaining placements for every child and youth, including finding and supporting kin caregivers.
Jenny Pokempner βYouth Law Center (CA)
Alex Volpe β Catalyst Center
Tina Harris β National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council and FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Bianca Bennett-Scott β National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council and FosterClub Lived Experience Leader
Brooke Derrick β Wayfinder Family Services
Donna Ibbotson β Wayfinder Family Services
Carol Ramirez β Wayfinder Family Services
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM ET
Closing Remarks and Adjourn
Robin Rosenberg β Floridaβs Children First (SPARC Leadership Council)

Hotel & Transportation
Hotel Indigo
24 West Franklin Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 625-6200
Franklin Street Garage
15 West Franklin Street
Baltimore, MD
The Hotel Indigo and the Franklin Street Parking Garage are both located on West Franklin Street in Baltimore, just one block from the Annie E. Casey Foundation Office at 503 N. Charles Street.
From BWI (approx. 13 mi/20 km): Take I-195 to 95 North. Then take 95 North to Exit 53 (Inner Harbor). Turn right on Pratt Street and go about four blocks to turn left on Charles Street Head north and turn left on Franklin where the hotel will be on the right. The parking garage is on the left.
From Baltimore Penn Station Amtrak (approx. 0.8 mi/1.29 km): Head south on N. Charles Street about 8 blocks. The Annie E. Casey Foundation building will be on the left. Turn right onto E. Franklin Street, and the hotel will be on the right.
The Franklin Street Garage is situated near the historic Mount Vernon district of Baltimore and is close to many restaurants and bars. The garage entrance is located on the left-hand side of W. Franklin Street, just west of N. Charles Street, and is easily accessible off of I-83. GPS: 15 West Franklin Street.
The garage is open and staffed Sunday β Thursday 6:00 AM β 10:00 PM; Friday 6:00 AM β 12:00 AM; Saturday 8:00 AM β 12:00 AM and has a height restriction of 6.5 ft.
Drive-up Rates:
Up to 1 hour: $6.00
Up to 3 hours: $9.00
Up to 12 hours: $11.00
Up to 24 hours: $13.00
Weekend (All day Saturday & Sunday): $5.00
Weekday evening after 4PM: $5.00
For a comprehensive list of airport transportation options visit: http://www.bwiairport.com/en/travel/ground-transportation
Additional Information
The purpose of the 2023 SPARC Convening is to provide SPARC partners with the space to connect and network with each other and key stakeholders to build and deepen peer-to-peer relationships; the opportunity to hear from leading experts on topics that shape the child welfare landscape; and the chance to share information and strategies for achieving policy change that benefits children, youth, and families involved in child welfare.
Network: AECF β Guest
Password: jimcasey
Health and Safety
Although we are not requiring participants to wear a mask, we highly encourage individuals to do so. We will have surgical and N95 masks available. If you are not feeling well or are showing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home. If you become symptomatic while at the conference, please take a COVID-19 test and stay in your hotel room if the test comes back positive.
Expenses and Reimbursement
You will receive a physical copy of the reimbursement form as part of your retreat materials. If you are viewing this document digitally, you can download a copy of the form here.
SPARC will cover the following expenses for SPARC member organizations:
Hotel rooms for the nights of December 3 and 4
Travel expenses, including:
Train fare
Mileage at 65.5 cents/mile if you are traveling using your personal car
Rental car fee
SPARC will provide reimbursement for up to $500. If you anticipate that your travel expenses will exceed this amount, please reach out to Elissa Hyne for an exception.